Wednesday, January 16, 2013

When you treat me like....

When you treat me like a little baby that's when I stop talking to you and turn coldly towards you. I don't mean to do it, I know I should just tell them how it makes me feel, but it actually hurts so much I don't even want to talk to you. My friend.. or should I say 'friend', he likes to call me a 'wittle baby' just cause I suggest he take a nap because he complains he's just so tired. "Only wittle babies take naps" he tells me and that gets me bad. No, 'wittle babies' aren't the only ones who take naps. Sometimes people need to or they get too exhausted. It's just the way he treats me, like I'm a child, like I'm so immature that he has to 'simplify' things for me. That I'm stupid even. Well, no. I'm not. And until you start treating me better I don't consider you a friend anymore.

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